E8 Funding – Reputable trading fund highly appreciated by traders

I. Fund information

E8 Funding full name E8 Funding LLC is a Funding company for Traders established in May 2021. E8 Funding is looking for the best Traders in the world. Their ultimate goal is to serve their clients, providing Traders with access to liquidity and funding opportunities that are not widely available elsewhere with a user-friendly experience.

Outstanding advantages of E8 Funding
– Each round in the challenge period requires only 1 day of minimum trading.
– Has an intuitive trading performance analysis dashboard.
– Fast customer support.


II. Products of E8 Funding

E8 Fund offers 3 types of accounts:
– E8 Account
– E8 Track account
– ELEV8 Account

E8 Account

With E8 Account you have 4 account size options

Round 1:
Profit to be achieved: 8% (for example, $100,000, you need to make a profit of $8,000)
Maximum daily loss: 5% (Calculated according to closed and open orders during the day)
Maximum loss in the process: 8% (For example, $100,000, your account cannot be reduced to more than $92,000)
Minimum number of trading days: 1 day
maximum number of trading days: 30 days
Round 2:
Profit to reach: 5% (for example, $100,000, you need to make a profit of $5,000)
Maximum daily loss: 5% (Calculated according to closed and open orders during the day)
Maximum loss in the process: 8% (For example, $100,000, your account cannot be reduced to more than $92,000)
Minimum number of trading days: 1 day
maximum number of trading days: 60 days
After passing 2 rounds of challenges, you will have to sign a contract to be granted a live account. Profits will be shared 80% and 100% exam fee refund.


The ELEV8 account has a single size of $100,000 with a fee of $888.
With the ELEV8 Account, you also have to go through 2 rounds of completing the profit target and follow the same trading rules as the E8 Account.
What sets the ELEV8 Account apart is its rapid capital growth program.
After you complete 2 rounds of evaluation you will also get a funding account, as long as you reach 16% profit target within 30 days you will be added $100,000 to your funding account.
In case you are not able to reach 16% profit in 30 days, you are allowed to withdraw your generated profit and continue to conquer the target for the next 30 days.
Each Trader is only allowed to have 1 EVEL8 Account. You get 80% of your profits generated on your ELEV8 funding account.

E8 Track account

The difference of E8 Track account compared to E8 Account is that you have to pass 3 rounds of challenges to receive a funding account, in return E8 Track has a lower fee than E8 Account.
Evaluation stage
The requirements for the evaluation phase are as follows:
Round 1
– Time is 30 days
Profit target is 8%.
– The minimum number of trading days is 1 day.
– Daily loss limit is 5%.
– Account loss limit is 8%.
Round 2
– Time is 60 days
The profit target is 5%.
– The minimum number of trading days is 1 day.
– Daily loss limit is 5%.
– Account loss limit is 8%.
Round 3
– Time is 60 days
The profit target is 5%.
– The minimum number of trading days is 1 day.
– Daily loss limit is 5%.
– Account loss limit is 8%.
In there
Time calculation, profit target, drop limits, renewal policy, free retry similar to E8 Account.
Funding stage
You get 80% profit on E8 Track funding account.
Your first payment will be eligible for a minimum of 8 trading days, after which you are free to withdraw your funds at any time. Subsequent payments are eligible after 14 days.
The growth policy, increasing the decrease limit of the E8 Track funding account is similar to the E8 Account account.

III. What profit payment methods does E8 have for Traders?

You can choose to receive profits in the following ways:
– Paypal
– Bank transfer.
– Wires.
– Crypto.
To make a withdrawal request, you just need to operate on the control panel of E8. Processing time is usually 1-2 business days.

IV. What products can you trade?

You can trade:
– Forex (currency)
– Commodities (commodities)
– Indexes (indexes)
– Equities (stocks)
– Cryptocurrencies (cryptocurrency).

V. Is E8 Funding Reputable?

Currently, on the Trustpilot E8 Funding site, there are 380 reviews with an average score of 4.9. This is a pretty high score showing that E8 is a very quality fund.
Note: All information provided on this site is intended solely for the study purposes related to trading on financial markets and does not serve in any way as a specific investment recommendation, business recommendation, investment opportunity analysis or similar general recommendation regarding the trading of investment instruments.